Sewri TB Hospital eyes centre of excellence status, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: Sewri TB Hospital, the largest dedicated tuberculosis (TB) hospital in the country, is seeking recognition as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for tuberculosis. The hospital plans to submit a proposal to the Central TB Division soon.

Established in 1941, Sewri TB Hospital operates with a capacity of 1,000 beds, including 240 beds reserved for multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) patients. With full occupancy year-round, most BMC-run hospitals refer patients to this facility. The hospital registers between 6,000 and 7,000 admissions annually, but data suggests that around 5,000 patients leave against medical advice each year. Additionally, between 2017 and 2021, hospital records indicate that 439 patients absconded.

“We upgraded facilities for the past two years and will now apply for Centre of Excellence status with the Central TB Division. Discussions with senior officials will be held prior to submitting the proposal,” said a doctor from Sewri TB Hospital.

The doctor added that while the hospital meets most of the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) guidelines required for CoE status, academic facilities remain an exception.

Currently, Wadia Hospital holds similar recognition for paediatric TB patients, while JJ Hospital in Mumbai is the only Centre of Excellence for drug-resistant TB in western India. Nationally, only four other centres have this recognition—located in Delhi, Agartala, Chennai, and Ahmedabad.

“The status is granted only when a hospital has the capacity to treat all TB patients while providing multispeciality care to address any other medical conditions the patients may have. Beyond patient care, a CoE is also expected to build capacity by guiding hospitals and institutions in its vicinity through its expertise. At the moment, it is doubtful whether Sewri TB Hospital has the necessary resources to be approved as a CoE,” said a doctor from one of the existing CoEs.

  • Published On Mar 20, 2025 at 06:51 AM IST

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