Punjab govt reinstates Assured Career Progression scheme for medical officers with changes, ET HealthWorld

Chandigarh: Succumbing to pressure from the Punjab Civil Medical Services Association (PCMSA), the Punjab govt has reinstated the Assured Career Progression (ACP) scheme, albeit with certain modifications.

The Dynamic Assured Career Progression (DACP) scheme, which was suspended in 2021 by the previous Congress govt, is now reintroduced with changes and is renamed the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) scheme for medical officers of the health department.

Under the earlier scheme, medical officers were entitled to three-grade pay revisions — the first after four years, the second after nine years, and the third after 14 years of service. However, the new scheme revises the timelines for pay upgrades: the first after five years, the second after 10 years, and the third after 15 years of service. The scheme applies to officers appointed before July 17, 2020, who are receiving pay scales under the Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021. The modified ACP scheme will take effect on Jan 1, 2025.

For medical officers recruited on or after July 17, 2020, whose pay scales follow the Seventh Central Pay Commission or Sixth Punjab Pay Commission, a separate scheme will be formulated due to differences in pay matrices and levels.

With the issuance of a notification reinstating the ACP scheme, the PCMSA has called off its planned agitation. The PCMSA expressed heartfelt gratitude to Health Minister Dr Balbir Singh and Health Secretary Kumar Rahul for their efforts in addressing the key issues affecting public healthcare in the state. PCMSA State President Dr Akhil Sarin emphasized that the reinstatement of ACPs would play a crucial role in retaining doctors in the department and strengthening Punjab’s public healthcare system.

Dr Sarin also appreciated the health department’s steps to recruit 304 medical officers and rationalize the postgraduate policy to attract young doctors into the PCMS cadre, addressing two of the association’s major demands. However, he urged the govt to release a draft on the security framework for medical professionals in the coming days.


Entry pay scale | Level-18 | 56,100

After 5 years | Level-21 | 67,400

After 10 years | Level-23 | 83,600

After 15 years | Level-27 | 1,22,800

  • Published On Jan 21, 2025 at 06:39 AM IST

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