MLA stops eviction drive on CPR hospital premises, ET HealthWorld

Kolhapur: The anti-encroachment drive on the premises of the Chhatrapati Pramila Raje Civil Hospital, which started on Sunday morning, was stopped after MLA Rajesh Kshirsagar intervened. He told CPR hospital authorities to not remove the encroachments without a rehabilitation plan.

There are cabins, shops and vendors on the CPR hospital premises. They cause traffic congestion, occupy parking spaces and even make it difficult for ambulances to move freely. Every day, over 1,000 patients visit the hospital from Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg districts.

Kshirsagar said, “For many years, people from poor families have been running small businesses at the CPR to make ends meet. Since 1995, there have been licensed hawkers here who regularly pay their dues, electricity bills and other govt taxes. It’s essential to rehabilitate them as per the rules before launching any eviction action.”

The MLA said the sudden anti-encroachment drive and eviction might push these hawkers to the streets. “CPR is known as a hospital for the poor, and any injustice here will not be tolerated. The administration should hold a meeting including the hawkers. A proposal should be presented to rehabilitate them at a place where they can continue their work without obstructing hospital traffic. Only after that, the anti-encroachment action should proceed,” he said.

Authorities claimed some of the cabin operators exploit the poor patients by charging a hefty sum for various services. Kshirsagar said hawkers should ensure that they act according to rules and should refrain from any activities that may bring a bad name to the hospital.

  • Published On Jan 20, 2025 at 01:04 PM IST

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