A selection of recent work by illustrator Minji Seo from Seoul, South Korea. Creating art out of “a love for life and an interest in people,” Seo’s images often emerge from daily observations–an overheard conversations, mundane activities like watching television or “doing nothing,” the posture of someone sitting on the subway, a phrase from a book read long ago, quiet moments of companionship or loneliness. Speaking of her three-image series titled, “Neighbor,” Seo takes us through some relatable trains of thought:

“One day, while I was at home, I heard loud sounds from the next-door apartment. Even though it was just ordinary daily conversation, I could hear it clearly. At that moment, memories of singing at home and talking with my family came to mind. I started to wonder if, although we had never properly seen each other’s faces, my neighbors might actually know a lot about our household. That realization made me feel uneasy, and I thought it might be best to avoid running into them if possible. I found it interesting that this train of thought might be something others also experience–the feeling of not wanting to encounter the word “neighbor.” This led me to imagine neighbors moving around to avoid each other, separated by just one wall. I thought it would be more fun if they were holding weapons (or tools?) like in a game.”

Minji Seo participated in our 2024 Booooooom Illustration Awards and made our shortlist. Be the first to know about our next Awards by clicking here and pre-registering for the 2025 Booooooom Illustration Awards!

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