From swimming guillemots and sun-dappled Scots pines to a coy seal and ravenous pigeons, the winners of this year’s British Wildlife Photography Awards celebrate the diversity of animal life across Great Britain.
Jurors considered more than 13,000 images submitted by amateurs and professionals alike, with the top award going to Simon Withyman, who captured a striking portrait of a female fox in his hometown of Bristol.

“I had been photographing this vixen for three years,” Withyman says. “This streetwise fox was a successful mother and had a family of young mouths to feed. I was instantly drawn to the interesting perspective effect of these railings and wanted to showcase some beauty in this everyday urban scene.”
Additional impressive images include Drew Buckley’s dramatic view of Scotland’s Monadhliath Mountains with a white hare in the foreground and a troupe of ravenous pigeons headed for a bag of chips, captured on a GoPro by teenager Ben Lucas. See even more in the BWPA 2025 winners gallery.

Mark Kirkland, “Guillemot Kingdom.” Guillemot (Uria aalge), St. Abbs, Scotland