From sweltering Rio de Janeiro and its 92°days to a frosty 34° in Antarctic days and “nights”, this voyage has had its variety! We have been lucky with the weather and seeing exceptional views. The crossing from the Falklands to the Peninsula was rather smooth and Seven Seas Splendor takes any motion quite well. Suddenly, the frozen landscape began to appear.
We approached Antarctica by way of the South Shetland Islands, transiting the Nelson Strait and motoring southward toward Greenwich and Livingston islands. These “outer bands” of rocky islands are composed of volcaniclastic material (sediments derived from volcanic terrain). The cause is subduction of the Phoenix plate beneath the Antarctic plate, beginning in the Middle Jurassic (∼160 Ma) and continuing through to the Neogene (23 Ma).
A Google Earth image our route upon entering the Peninsula area. The Captain brought us into Half Moon Bay on Livingston Island and then further south to Deception Island.
The clouds parted to reveal Livingston Island, second largest in the South Shelands after King George Island. In view are the Tangra Mountains with Helmet Peak visible. The peak is 1254 m (4114 ft.) in elevation. Many fossil plants and trees come from the sedimentary rocks on Livingston Island. A paper about the paleobotany of Livingston Island can be accessed here.
Deception Island was first sighted by sealers in January 1820 and visited later that year by famed American sealer Nathaniel Palmer, who named the island for its narrow and thus, deceptive entrance, now called Neptunes Bellows. The British built a station inside the bay in the 1940s but it was destroyed by the volcanic eruptions that rocked the island between December 1967 and February 1970. I have highlighted the location of Baily Head with a green circle, the feature shown in the previous photo.
Many details about the geologic history of Deception Island are still forthcoming but not for a lack of study. Classified as a large shield volcano, its diameter on the seafloor is 30 kilometers (or about 20 miles)! The island gradually grew from a water depth of more than 4000 ft. (1300 m) before it broke to the surface as either a subaerial or sub-glacial edifice. Its original elevation is unknown, as sometime between 10,000 and 6,000 BP (years Before Present) much of the volcano was catastrophically destroyed in a massive phreatic steam blast, much like the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 or the Thera volcano that created Santorini Island in Greece about 3,600 years ago. At Deception Island, hot magma likely encountered seawater or melted glacial ice to create the steam explosion that created this large caldera. Soon after, water from the Bransfield Strait entered the depression to form Port Foster, 6 miles (or 10 kilometers) in diameter. Most of the exposed rocks today are post-caldera rocks. Historical documentation of eruptions are from 1839 to 1842 and those of the 1960s.
See previous posts from me here and here with views of the interior of the caldera and Port Foster.
A lone iceberg at sunset (9:20 PM local time) on February 1, 2025 – sailing south from Deception Island.
December 2, 7:40 AM. Shrouded in fog is not an unusual occurrence in the Antarctic Peninsula but no one signed up to see this. Our goal was Wilhelmina Bay and we tried two different entrances on each side of Nansen Island. Still thick fog. So, quick thinking had us retrace our wake, back out into the Gerlache Strait, where clearer skies were hoped for.
And it worked! This is a view to the south from outside Wilhelmina Bay. We spent our 2nd day here cruising toward Niemeyer Channel and Fournier Bay. However, on Day 3…
We found ourselves at the north entrance of the Errera Channel (background). The channel was full of ice but we eventually pulled up adjacent to Cueverville Island (right).
It may be difficult to see but note the pinkish areas on Cueverville Island where gentoo penguins are nesting.
Passengers on Deck 12 of Splendor enjoying a glorious sunny day!
Over on the Arctowski Peninsula the clouds were dancing around the peaks.
Humpback whales also made an appearance for us. There were at least five pairs as we headed toward Dallmann Bay.
And then, the sky opened! Streaming cirrus clouds above an icy world.
This completed our three day stay in the Antarctic Peninsula. I will be posting about Terra del Fuego and the Chilean fjords in future posts. As Captain Marco likes to say on Splendor, “Ciao for now!”