Doctors’ study red-flags antibiotic use in footballers, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Kolkata: A study published in Bengal Medical Journal has raised concerns about ‘widespread and potentially dangerous’ use of antibiotics among professional footballers in eastern India. The research, led by clinical researchers from Bengal, says that a significant number of athletes are using high-risk antibiotics – often without prescriptions – and failing to complete the recommended treatment courses.

Of 650 footballers covered in the survey, 110 reported using antibiotics in the last six months. Alarmingly, 74% of these belong to the WHO’s ‘watch’ category, known for a higher potential to drive antimicrobial resistance. Four per cent of the players used ‘reserve’ antibiotics, intended only as last-resort options for critical illnesses. “Alarmingly, 38% of the antibiotics were obtained without a doctor’s prescription and 71% of users did not complete their course of treatment,” said the study.

“Professional athletes are often exposed to environments that increase infection risks, but that should not justify reckless antibiotic use,” said Shambo Samrat Samajdar, lead author of the study. He added that the study findings suggest an ‘urgent need for awareness, regulation and medical oversight in sports communities’.

Public health experts felt that such indiscriminate use, especially of the ‘watch’ category antibiotics, can fuel a global crisis of antimicrobial or antibiotic resistance.

Footballers may have greater urgency to get fit quicker, but that doesn’t justify indiscriminate antibiotics use, said Manipal Hospital infectious diseases physician Sayan Chakrabarty. “Injuries can be managed without antibiotics even if there is an emergency. They should always be taken under the supervision of a doctor. This is not difficult since each club has got a doctor attached to it. ‘Watch’ category antibiotics should definitely be taken only with prescriptions and under the supervision of a specialist,” said Chakrabarty.

He added that antibiotic resistance is a big issue in health. ” If this goes on, not just footballers but the community at large will be at risk,” he said.

The findings came as both surprising and interesting to veteran coach Sanjoy Sen, who helped Mohun Bagan win the I-League in 2014-2015 and won the Santosh Trophy for Bengal in 2024. “Before the start of the Indian Super League and I-League, all teams are informed of the list of banned medicines. This is the norm and medical teams of the clubs follow it. When I took charge of Bengal for the Santosh Trophy, I made it clear to the players that they should avoid taking in medicines randomly or without consultation with my physio and medical team,” said Sen.

He added that players also need to be conscious of what should be taken as medicines and what should be avoided.

The use of antibiotics was not common during his playing days, said former India striker Dipendu Biswas, who played for Kolkata’s three big clubs – Mohun Bagan, East Bengal and Mohammedan Sporting. “In fact, we were even afraid of taking any strong painkillers. Instead, the coaches of our time like (Mohammed) Habib Sir, PK (Banerjee) Sir and Nayeem (Syed Nayeemuddin) Sir used to make us go through the grind of sand training and swimming to overcome an injury.” He added that sports science has developed immensely since their time and nowadays every team has a specialised medical team which looks after the players.

  • Published On Mar 24, 2025 at 11:44 AM IST

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