China’s ophthalmic laser market poised for steady growth at 4% CAGR through 2033, ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: The ophthalmic laser market in China is set to expand significantly, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 4 per cent through 2033, according to GlobalData. This growth is driven by advancements in laser technologies such as femtosecond and excimer lasers for refractive surgery, alongside the rising prevalence of eye diseases like myopia.

GlobalData’s latest report, titled “Ophthalmic Lasers Market Size by Segments, Share, Regulatory, Reimbursement, Installed Base and Forecast to 2036,” highlights that in 2024, China accounted for nearly 25 per cent of the Asia-Pacific (APAC) ophthalmic laser market. This substantial share is attributed to the country’s growing population affected by vision disorders and increased investments in cutting-edge medical technologies.

The recent approval by China’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of the ZEISS VISUMAX 800 with SMILE Pro software. This advanced femtosecond laser system offers improved efficiency by generating a lenticule in under 10 seconds with an accelerated laser pulse repetition rate of 2 MHz. This innovation is expected to streamline procedures, reduce recovery periods, and enhance visual outcomes compared to conventional refractive surgeries.

According to Shamreen Parween, Medical Devices Analyst, GlobalData, traditional ophthalmic laser procedures often present challenges such as longer recovery times, a higher risk of complications, and less predictable results. However, the emergence of new-generation laser techniques, combined with hospital modernisation and increased R&D investments, is improving the accessibility and demand for advanced ophthalmic care.

Parween further notes that the future of laser-based refractive surgery looks promising, with advancements in personalized treatments, minimally invasive procedures, and the integration of artificial intelligence set to improve precision, safety, and patient outcomes. These innovations are likely to attract increased investments from both domestic and international stakeholders, further strengthening China’s position in the global ophthalmic laser market.

  • Published On Mar 15, 2025 at 01:57 PM IST

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