Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: Long Time Dream Fulfilled

Sometime in the late 1970s, while studying geology at Northern Arizona University, I came across some…

Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: Trekking the Dolomite Mountains

The mountain region visited between Munich and Venice Let the trek begin! We had six very nice days…

Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: The Dolomites – Days 3 and 4

Day 3 – Refugio Lavarella to Refugió Scotoni The entire nine-day trek was off-the-charts fabulous. But…

Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: The Dolomites – Days 5 and 6

Route of hike on Day 5 Now midway through the hike, we had attained our trail…

Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: A Final Dolomites Trek Posting – Days 7, 8, and 9

Thank you so much for reading this series of blog postings on my trek to the…

Blockchain and VCM | Gold Standard Perspective

Hugh Salway, Senior Director for Market Development and Partnerships at Gold Standard, recently joined our CEO…

Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: An Autumn River Trip Through Desolation and Gray Canyons on the Green River, Utah

During the last week of September, I served as a geologic interpreter on a six day…

VCM integrity | How technology can address critical problems

(How) can emerging digital technologies help build a high-integrity voluntary carbon market? The Rocky Mountain Institute…

Earthly Musings – My Travel and Geology Blog: Celebrating an Epic Adventure 46 Years Ago on December 12

Today is December 12, one of the most important religious and cultural holidays in all of…

Data for high-integrity carbon markets

The quality and accessibility of carbon credit data needs to become better. This increases trust and…