IMA raises delayed Ayushman payments, pvt hospitals’ woes, ET HealthWorld

Raipur: A delegation from the Indian Medical Association (IMA) Raipur unit and the Hospital Board Raipur met with Chhattisgarh health minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal to discuss the concerns of private hospitals.

The main concerns included hospitals struggling to provide quality care due to inadequate packages that have not increased despite rising inflation.

‘Hospitals Receive No Payments For 6 Mnths’

Hospitals have not received payments from the Ayushman Yojana for more than six months, leading to financial shortages and forcing some to take out loans. The delegation urged for timely payments to hospitals.

IMA Raipur President Dr Kuldeep Solanki stated that Chhattisgarh is the only state in India to provide benefits of Ayushman Yojana to both BPL and APL beneficiaries, whereas other states provide it only to BPLs.

The delegation urged the govt to form a committee to oversee this scheme, which should also include a representative from the IMA to ensure transparency. Hospitals that were delisted from the Ayushman scheme should have their cases heard as soon as possible, and a sympathetic decision should be taken on them.

Until then, such actions should be put on hold, the delegation urged. Hospital board chairman Dr Surendra Shukla was also present in the delegation.

  • Published On Mar 19, 2025 at 06:11 PM IST

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