Vasilisa Romanenko’s Lush Portraits Wrap Common Birds in Decadent Patterns — Colossal

Beauty and nature’s resilience are at the core of Vasilisa Romanenko’s work. The Connecticut-based artist paints faithful depictions of common yet dignified birds amid clusters of fruits and flowers, exploring the power of opulence in times of upheaval.

A stately crow poses amid rust-colored roses, a great blue heron poses amid clusters of tangerines and lilies, and a small warbler perches amid pink poppies. Referencing the defiantly decorative works of English textile designer William Morris (1834–1896), Romanenko embraces the entrancing nature of decadent patterns.

a heron perches between oranges and orange flowers
“Great Blue Heron” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 22 x 28 inches

“I want my work to feel like an escape from everyday life, like taking a moment to be still and appreciate nature,” she says about her solo exhibition, BIRDS & BLOOMS, at Arch Enemy Arts. Enveloped by flora at full bloom, the winged subjects exude a sense of calm and strength as they perch and prepare for their next flight.

BIRDS & BLOOMS is on view through March 30 in Philadelphia. Find more from Romanenko on her website and Instagram.

a gray bird perches between pink and purple flowers
“Northern Mockingbird” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 11 x 14 inches
a small black and gray bird sits in the middle of yellow lilies and orange flowers
“Black-capped Chickadee” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 5 x 7 inches
a small gray bird sits in pink flowers
“Orange-crowned Warbler” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 5 x 7 inches
“Dark-eyed Juncos” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12 inches
a small brown and yellow bird perched between white lilies and pink flowers
“Palm Warbler” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 8 x 10 inches
a black bird perches among lemons and small orange flowers
“Brewer’s Blackbird” (2025), acrylic on canvas, 9 x 12 inches

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