Smart transportation arrives to Smart Cities

Smart Cities are redefining the way we live. Their main goals are focused on improving citizens´ quality of life, sustainable development, and greater efficiency in the management of available resources. A multivariate challenge whose partners include information technologies and a concept that is no longer strange to us: Internet of Things.

With these building blocks, companies and institutions are constantly devising new ideas that mostly regard mobility. If we asked people about how they imagine their ideal Smart City, probably one of the most recurring answers would be “without traffic jams”. And that would be no surprise. It is estimated that 10% of the road network is affected by jams on a daily basis. A prototype bus of the future recently introduced in Beijing would allow to reduce these nuisance by running above other vehicles, and could be operative in less than a year. A prime example of how innovation is working towards mobility optimization.

But the problem not only lies in city traffic. We also find worrying figures regarding other issues, since road transportation accounts for 83% of total energy consumption in its sector, and 85% of total CO₂ emissions.

Precisely in order to tackle those numbers, project GIM promoted by ACCIONA Service comes into existence: a programme aimed at smart road transportation management, which is already being implemented and could be part of future Smart Cities soon.

GIM, a “smarter” method for road transportation

GIM is a smart fleet management system devised to optimize road transportation and improve its operational control, safety and sustainability.

Thanks to sensor deployment, GPS system, connectivity and a control software, ACCIONA Service can collect real-time feed about miles driven by the vehicles managed, driving behaviour, fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions.

In addition, it´s capable of detecting vehicle theft and tracking it, or knowing if a truck is in a restricted zone. In the case of time schedule non-compliance on the part of the driver, the systems sends an alert to reprimand such behaviour, as well as in reckless driving situations, sudden braking events, or accidents. All in real time.

At the end of the day, this smart management and location system provides road transportation with increased safety and is conceived to optimize companies´ vehicle fleet supervision. Cutting-edge technology made real to shape Smart Cities of the future.

Source: Atlas Smart Cities, Ecointeligencia, ACCIONA Service

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