Calling all artists and photographers! It’s the return of one of our most popular open calls, the Booooooom Art & Photo Book Award! Once again we are teaming up with our friends over at Bookmobile to offer the chance to have your work published as a standalone book for free! We’re going even bigger this year and will be selecting 9 projects to bring to life —each by a different artist, illustrator, or photographer—at zero cost to the individual.
We will be selecting 6 projects to turn into books—each by a different artist, illustrator, or photographer—at zero cost to the individual. On top of that, we will also be choosing 3 additional projects to be turned into smaller perfect bound zines.
If you have a specific series or a cohesive selection of work that you want to turn into a book, we want to see it. We are looking for finished work as opposed to works-in-progress or otherwise incomplete projects. This is open to all our members. If you’re not a member you can learn more about becoming one here.
Even if you are not a member you are welcome to submit one (1) Zine proposal for FREE. To submit a full Book proposal however, you must either be a member or pay a fee. Members enjoy unlimited submissions to both the zine and book components.
Have a look below at some of the beautiful books created by last year’s winners: