Juxtapoz Magazine – The Intimate and Sensual World of “Behind the Bedroom Door”

James Cohan has a great group show up right now, Behind the Bedroom Door, that explores the “private realms where intimacy and solitude share space with the inner life of dreams and fantasies.” It’s just a brilliant line-up and the scope is just perfect for a particularly interesting idea for which the artist makes work. The art of making art is, mostly, quite private, and yet so much of our lives and most true self is explored in private as well. The juxtaposition is indeed well thought. 

The exhibition features historical and contemporary artists working across painting, photography, sculpture, video and sound to plumb the depths of the unconscious, uncover hidden dimensions, and explore mythology and transformation. Behind the Bedroom Door will be on view at the gallery’s 48 Walker Street and 291 Grand Street locations through February 8, 2025.

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