Homes taking care of elders with chronic illnesses to get up to Rs 2.5 lakh per month, ET HealthWorld

Panaji: State govt on Tuesday launched a scheme to provide financial assistance to registered govt and non-govt organisations, and institutions running homes for senior citizens suffering from chronic and debilitating diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and all those in palliative care.

Under the scheme, organisations will receive Rs 2.5 lakh per month, which includes payments for senior doctors, medical and paramedical teams, administrative and medical expenses, among others, for the admission of 20 patients.

Registered institutions having a three-year audit report are eligible for the scheme.

Social welfare minister Subhash Phal Desai said the scheme was formulated for patients who are in their last stage of illness and doctors advise their relatives to take them home from the hospital. “Relatives then feel that they cannot take care of the patients. In such cases, some organisations work to take care of the patients by arranging resources. Now, govt has come forward to provide financial aid to such organisations,” Phal Desai said.

He added that patients can spend their remaining life getting enrolled with such organisations and avail themselves of treatment under the scheme.

The operational grant will be on a reimbursement basis and will be released in two installments in a year. The six-month period will be reckoned from the month in which the sanction was issued, and the second installment will be released only on submission of the utilisation certificate.

Non-submission of the utilisation certificate or audited statement of accounts within a stipulated period or violation of terms and conditions would act as a disqualification for getting subsequent grants in aid from govt.

  • Published On Feb 5, 2025 at 04:04 PM IST

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